Công ty TNHH công nghệ số Tân Thành

Chổi than Shanghai Morgan Carbon Brush D374N, D374B, CH33, D376, CH36N, CH36

  • Đăng ngày 01-05-2020 07:36:41 AM - 655 Lượt xem
  • Mã sản phẩm: D374N, D374B, CH33, D376, CH36N, CH36

  • Tình trạng sản phẩm:

    • Brand: Shanghai carbon brush
    • Model: J164 D172 J204 CH17 J203
    • Origin: Mainland China
    • Province: Shanghai
    • City: Shanghai
    • Color classification: J204 25*32*60 J204 20*40*60 J203 25*32*60 J205 25*32*60 J230 25*32*60 MG70 25*32*60 MG70 30*40*60 D172 25*32* 60 D104 25*32*60 CH17 25*32*60 MG50 25*40*60 MG50 32*40*60 MG50 32*40*50 MG50 25*32*60 MG50 25*32*65 MG50 25*32*50 MG50 20*40*60 CH17 25*32*65 CH17 25*32*60 CH17 20*40*60 J164 25*32*60 J164 20*40*60 J201 10*25*60
    Brush Type and Model  
    category series material Representative model  
    graphite brush S natural graphite S3 S6  
    Electrochemical graphite brushes D1 graphite base D104 D106 D172NM  
    D2 Coke base D202 D213 D214 D215 D252 D280  
    D3 carbon black base D308 D308L D309 D312 D374 D374B D374D D374F D374L D374BL D374DL D374N D374S D376 D376N D376Y  
    D4 Charcoal based D464F D479  
    Metal graphite brush J1 Copper graphite without binder J100 J101 J102 J103 J104 J105 J113 J151 J164  
    J2-1 Binder high copper graphite J201 J204 J205 J213  
    J2-2 Binder Low Copper Graphite J203 J206 J220  
      R Artificial resin binder graphite R051 R104 R126 R115 R201 R453 R1270  
    Remarks: 1> Prefix: S-graphite brush, D-electrochemical graphite brush, J-metal graphite brush. R - synthetic resin binder brushes. 2> Suffix: NM, L, N, S, Y, F - code of stains. 3>R series: the last two digits are the serial number, and the first digits are the hundreds digits of the resistivity.  
    Models, features and main application areas of some brushes  
    model Basic Features Main application range  
    S-3 Lower hardness, better lubricity DC motor with normal commutation, uniform load and voltage of 80V-120V  
    S-4 High-resistance graphite brushes with natural graphite as matrix and resin as binder, with low hardness and friction coefficient Motors with difficult commutation, such as motors with AC commutators, high-speed micro-DC motors  
    S-6 Porous, soft graphite brushes with low hardness Turbogenerator slip ring, 80-230V DC motor  
    D104 Low hardness, good lubricity, good commutation performance Generally used for 0.4-200KV DC motors, DC generators for charging, DC generators for steel rolling, steam turbine generators, winding rotor asynchronous motor collector rings, welding DC generators, etc.  
    D172 Good lubricity, low friction coefficient, good commutation performance Slip rings of large steam turbine generators, exciters, slip rings of hydro generators, DC motors with normal commutation  
    D202 High hardness and mechanical strength, good lubricity. Shock and vibration resistance Traction motors for electric locomotives, DC generators with a voltage of 120-400V  
    D207 High hardness and mechanical strength, good lubricity. Good commutation performance Large steel rolling DC motor, mining DC motor  
    D213 Higher hardness and mechanical strength than D214 Generators for cars and tractors. Traction motor with mechanical vibration  
    D214 High hardness and mechanical strength, good lubrication and reversing performance The exciter of the turbo-generator, the DC motor with the impact load with the voltage above 200V, such as traction motor, steel rolling motor, which is difficult to change direction  
    D252 Medium hardness, good commutation performance Difficult commutation, DC motors with voltages of 120-440V, traction motors, exciters for turbo-generators  
    D308 Hard texture, good resistivity, good commutation performance DC traction motors with difficult commutation and small DC motors with high angular velocity. and motor amplifier  
    D373 Traction motor for electric locomotive  
    D374 Porous, high resistivity, good commutation performance High-speed DC motors with difficult commutation, traction motors, exciters of turbo-generators, rolling motors  
    D479 Difficulty commutating DC motors  
    J101 High copper content, low resistivity, high allowable current density Low-voltage, high-current DC generators, such as: DC generators for electrolysis, electroplating, and charging, and collector rings for wound-rotor asynchronous motors  
    J104 Low-voltage, high-current DC generators, generators for cars and tractors  
    J201 Medium copper content, high resistivity, high copper content, large brush, and high allowable current density Low-voltage, high-current DC motors with voltages below 60V, such as: automotive generators, DC welding machines, collector rings of wound rotor asynchronous motors  
    J204 Low-voltage, high-current DC motors with voltages below 40V, automotive auxiliary motors, and collector rings of wound rotor asynchronous motors  
    J205 DC generators with voltages below 60V, DC starter motors for automobiles and tractors, slip rings for wound rotor asynchronous motors  
    J206 Small DC motors with 25-80V voltage  
    J203 Low copper content, higher resistivity than high and medium copper content brushes, lower allowable current density High-current charging generators with voltages below 80V, small traction motors, collector rings for wound rotor asynchronous motors  
    Brush bristles performance and working conditions  
    model Resistivity (μΩ.m) A pair of brush contact voltage drop (V) 50H wear≤(mm) Recommended working conditions  
    basic value Volatility ±% basic value Volatility ±% Rated current density (A/cm Permissible peripheral speed (m/s) Brush unit pressure (Pa)  
    S3 13 30 2.1 25 0.2 11 25 19600~24500  
    S6 20 30 1.8 25 0.2 12 70 14700~19600  
    D104 10 40 2.4 20 0.25 12 40 14700~19600  
    D106 9 40 2.3 20 0.25 12 40 14700~19600  
    D172 13 40 2.7 20 0.2 12 70 14700~19600  
    D172NM 15 40 2.1 20 0.2 10 70 14700~19600  
    D202 20 25 2.5 25 0.15 10 45 19600~24500  
    D213 29 25 2.6 25 0.15 10 40 19600~39200  
    D214 28 25 2.4 25 0.15 10 45 19600~39200  
    D215 30 25 2.8 25 0.15 12 40 19600~24500  
    D252 15 30 2.5 25 0.15 12 12 14700~24500  
    D280 15 25 2.5 25 0.2 10 60 19600~39200  
    D308 40 30 2.6 35 0.15 10 40 19600~39200  
    D308L 43 30 3 35 0.15 10 40 19600~39200  
    D309 39 30 2.9 35 0.15 10 40 19600~39200  
    D312 35 30 2.5 35 0.1 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374D 44 30 2.7 35 0.25 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374B 57 30 2.8 35 0.25 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374D 45 30 2.6 35 0.2 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374F 57 30 2.7 35 0.2 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374L 50 30 2.9 35 0.12 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374BL 52 30 2.8 35 0.15 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374DL 45 30 3.4 35 0.15 12 50 19600~39200  
    D374N 58 30 2.8 35 0.2 12 60 19600~39200  
    D374S 57 30 2.8 35 0.2 12 50 19600~39200  
    D376 60 30 2.9 35 0.25 12 50 19600~39200  
    D376N 62 30 2.9 35 0.2 12 60 19600~39200  
    D376Y 62 30 2.9 35 0.2 12 50 19600~39200  
    D464F 40 40 2.5 25 0.15 10 40 19600~39200  
    D479 twenty four 40 2 25 0.25 12 40 19600~39200  
    J100 0.06 50 ≤0.5 / 0.8 20 20 17640~22540  
    J101 0.12 50 0.25 40 0.8 20 20 17640~22540  
    J102 0.23 50 0.5 40 0.4 20 20 17640~22540  
    J103 0.23 50 0.5 40 0.4 20 20 17640~22540  
    J104 0.05 50 0.25 40 0.8 20 20 17640~22540  
    J105 0.06 50 ≤0.4 / 0.8 20 20 17640~22540  
    J133 0.13 50 ≤0.5 / 0.6 20 20 17640~22540  
    J151 0.09 50 0.3 40 0.6 25 20 17640~22540  
    J164 0.09 50 0.3 40 0.7 20 20 17640~22540  
    J201 3.5 60 1.5 45 0.18 15 25 14700~19600  
    J203 8.8 50 1.8 35 0.15 12 20 14700~19600  
    J204 0.6 60 1.1 45 0.3 15 20 19600~24500  
    J205 6 60 ≤2 / 0.5 15 35 14700~19600  
    J206 4 50 1.5 35 0.3 15 25 14700~19600  
    J213 0.55 60 0.7 45 0.4 15 20 19600~24500  
    J220 6 50 1.4 35 0.2 12 20 14700~19600  
    R051 35 30 3.7 30 0.15 8 40 14700~19600  


    • Brand: Shanghai Carbon Brush
    • Model: D374N
    • 12.5 * 25 * 40 16 * 25 * 40 20 * 25 * 40 12.5 * 32 * 50 12.5 * 32 * 60 10 * 32 * 50 D374N 10 * 32 * 60  D374N 10 * 32 * 60 D374N 10 * 32 * 50 D374N 10 * 32 * 50 D374N 25 * 32 * 40 D374N 25 * 32 * 50 10 * 32 * 64 12.5 * 32 * 64 16 * 32 * 64 10 * 16 * 32 16 * 32 * 40 20 * 40 * 60 10 * 25 * 50 25 * 32 * 60




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    Van giảm áp máy biến áp lực YSF-35/25 JTHB YSF-35/25 KJTHB YSF-35/50 JTHB YSF-35/50 KJTHB YSF-55/50 JTHB YSF-55/50 KJTHB YSF-55/80 KJTHB YSF-55/80 DKJTHB YSF-55/130 KJTHB YSF-55/130 DKJ Liên hệ
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    Chổi than Shanghai Morgan J204 32*40*60 J204 32*40*50 J204 25*32*60 J204 25*32*65 J204 20*25*40 J204 20*40*60 J204 20*32*60 MG50 25*40*60 MG50 32*40*60 MG50 32*40*50
    Chổi than Shanghai Morgan J204 32*40*60 J204 32*40*50 J204 25*32*60 J204 25*32*65 J204 20*25*40 J204 20*40*60 J204 20*32*60 MG50 25*40*60 MG50 32*40*60 MG50 32*40*50 Liên hệ
    Chổi than Shanghai Morgan E468 25*32*64 E468 25*32*60 E468 34*32*65 E468 32*32*64 E468 32*32*65 E468 34*38*60 E468 34*38*64 E468 32*34*60
    Chổi than Shanghai Morgan E468 25*32*64 E468 25*32*60 E468 34*32*65 E468 32*32*64 E468 32*32*65 E468 34*38*60 E468 34*38*64 E468 32*34*60 Liên hệ
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ15-32/1L KTJ15-32/5L KTJ15-63/1L KTJ15-63/5L KTJ15-63/13FL KTJ15C-32/1 KTJ15C-63/1
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ15-32/1L KTJ15-32/5L KTJ15-63/1L KTJ15-63/5L KTJ15-63/13FL KTJ15C-32/1 KTJ15C-63/1 Liên hệ
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/1 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/2 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/3 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/5 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-63/1 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-63/2 KTJ15B(KTJ
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/1 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/2 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/3 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-32/5 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-63/1 KTJ15B(KTJ17)-63/2 KTJ15B(KTJ Liên hệ
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ1-50/1 KTJ1-50/2 KTJ1-50/3 KTJ1-50/5 KTJ1-80/1 KTJ1-80/2 KTJ1-80/3 KTJ1-80/5 KTJ1-100/1 KTJ1-150/1 KTJ1-150/1F XKTG1-80/1
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ1-50/1 KTJ1-50/2 KTJ1-50/3 KTJ1-50/5 KTJ1-80/1 KTJ1-80/2 KTJ1-80/3 KTJ1-80/5 KTJ1-100/1 KTJ1-150/1 KTJ1-150/1F XKTG1-80/1 Liên hệ
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ15A-32/1 KTJ15A-32/2 KTJ15A-32/5 KTJ15A-32/8 KTJ15A-63/1 KTJ15A-63/2 KTJ15A-63/5 KTJ15A-63/8
    Tay trang điều khiển cầu trục Tianqi KTJ15A-32/1 KTJ15A-32/2 KTJ15A-32/5 KTJ15A-32/8 KTJ15A-63/1 KTJ15A-63/2 KTJ15A-63/5 KTJ15A-63/8 Liên hệ



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